don’t overthink it.

As I sit here typing the title of this entry, the irony is not lost on me that in this moment, I am indeed,*overthinking it*.

I wanted to write a whole ass book of my most pivotal life experiences, but I found that where I currently am in life is not meant to be a book - yet.

More is unfoldoing, the twists and turns shaping.

But every sign that presents itself, the syncronicity of it all, the whispers in my head and heart are telling me, nay - yelling at me, to write and share.

And while it all feels right, I sit here, oh-ver-thin-kingit. Why? Well, friends, I believe that is what they call, “fear”. My sweet little ego trying to keep me small and safe in their perception. But, I’m just gonna alleviate any pressure. POOF! Gone. (It’s not gone, but I’m working through it)

I will never promise you a consistent schedule or always tell you when I’ve published something. My job is to put it out there and dassit.

This year is dedicated to fully realizing and embodying the creator that I am. I just want to make art, and weird shit, and funny shit.

Lotta shit.

You’ll find, I am not perfect (clutch pearls), but I have dedicated the last 4 years to breaking cycles and evolving the Lisa I am today.

If you haven’t met her recently, you are missing out on the most authentic, grounded version of myself to date.

With this project, I write this in the hopes that I can inspire one person, one, to dig into true healing and disengage from the cultural norm - to live their truest self.

So let us dance our way through this new adventure. There will be cringe, there will be grammatical errors, there will be pain, but gahdammit, there will be joy.



